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Devoted to legal profession with complete sincerity we serve our clients faced with matrimonial disputes. We specialize in Hindu Marriage Act 1955 with up to date amendments, special Marriage Act 1954, Domestic Violence Act 2005 and other provisions of maintenance for women, children and elderly parents. We fight tooth and nail for the legal and constitutional l rights of our clients. Divorce by mutual consent and contested divorce petitions are our field of specialization. We never let our clients feel let down in any manner whatsoever. Devoted to legal profession with the sole object of the complete satisfaction of our clients. We provide our services with regard to matrimonial disputes and maintenance,. We specialize in special Marriage Act 1954, The Hindu Marriage Act 1955, protection of Women from Domestic violence Act 2005 and the I provisions of maintenance to minors, elderly parents and destitute women who are unable to maintain themselves. Special Marriage Act 1954 pertains to the marriages involving the spouses professing different religion. It is based on the constitutional provision of Secular State Religion is no bar if two spouses of marriageable age tie themselves in nuptial knot with the blessings of Hymn, the god of marriage. Among the personal law for the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, pertains to matrimonial alliances among the Hindus.
Sections of the Act pertain to the conditions of a valid marriage. The spouses must have attained the age of 21 years, should not belong to the same sapinda, neither of them should have no living spouse at the time of marriage, no spouse should have an incurable mental or physical ailment section 9 of the Act provides for the Restititution of Conjugal Rights, Neither spouse can refuse to join the Company of his life partner without a specific or genuine Cause. Section 10 of the Act provides for Judicial separation on the Directions of the Judicial Court or Family Court designated in this connection section 11 of the Act refers to void marriages which are in contravention of the conditions & mentioned in section 5 of the Act Section 12 of the Act provides forgetting a marriage declared null and void as per the provisions of the Act Section 13 is meant for petitions to get a marriage dissolved on various grounds mentioned therein - such as physical and mental cruelty, incurable diseases, age of one the parties and so on.Section 13-Bof the act provides for divorce by mutual consent of both the parties /petitioners provided they have been living separately for a period of one year and there is no chance of their reconciliation. A six months' time is given to them to think over the matter. Thereafter, a decree of divorce is passed and the marriage between them comes to a millity. Section 24 of the Act is meant for maintenance pendente lite (during the pendency) to the spouse who is unable to maintain himself or herself Section 25 of the Act has the provision for permanent alimony. Domestic Violence Act 2005 has come into force to protect women from domestic violence of all binds. A complaint 4/512 of the Act is filed by an aggrieved female mostly a wife but can also be an elderly mother ,sister and so on. Sections 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 of the Act provide for financial help, rent, medical expenses and compensation. However, no divorce can claim any relief under this Act. Maintenance is a relief that can be claimed 4/5125 Criminal Procedure Code 1872. It is a redressal for wife, children and elderly parents. A son can claim maintenance till he gets employed and daughter till she gets married. unemployed son and an unmarried daughter are legally entitled for maintenance even from a mother who is quite resourceful. Children are also authorised to claim maintenance under the provisions of the wards and Guardian Act 1980 The Act is quite emphatic about the social maxim” the welfare of the mind is of Paramount Importance we assure you that we leave no stone unturned to protect, safeguard and defend the rights of our clients.

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